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Perfect for lobe, cartilage and tragus piercings.
The most popular material used in the manufacture of piercing jewellery. Alloy 316L is the highest quality type of surgical steel. The polished steel is perfectly smooth and shiny. It has a slightly lighter shade than titanium and a more affordable price. Due to its low nickel content, surgical steel products should not be used by people who are allergic to this metal. Steel should also not be used for fresh piercing. It can be subjected to a sterilisation process.
In this earring, the clasp is also the decorative element of the earring. The small ball in the embrace of the metal bar is precisely the key element of this earring. This ball has two small concaves into which the arms of the earring are pressed. What should be kept in mind with this type of earring? Never try to unbend it in order to open it. All you need to do is pull out the small ornamental ball - it is best to push it out of the shoulders of the circle. Once you've inserted the earring into the piercing, to close it and prevent it from falling out, you need to push the ball back into place - that is, you need to put the arms of the hoop into the two concave parts inside the ball. This earring can be a bit tricky with smaller sizes (e.g. 1.2/6/3) - the ball is small there and it takes a lot of practice to push the ball into the arms of the circle with such a tiny diameter. Larger sizes, after a little practice, do not cause much trouble in handling.
There are several types of hoops, so the guide is divided into the different types of hoops, depending on their opening system. When choosing the type of hoop earring, you should mainly be guided by comfort and take into account which type of clasp will be easiest for you to put on and take off the earring. If you are not sure which type of hoop to choose, you can look at the earrings in a stationary shop and test how the different types of clasp work. It is a good idea to make sure which type of earring you feel comfortable and at ease with in terms of its handling before deciding to buy it.
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Write your own reviewMagdalena
4 out of 5 stars
ładne, ale niestety ciezko się otwiera
3 out of 5 stars
dobry produkt jako helix
5 out of 5 stars
Bardzo fajny
4 out of 5 stars
Wygląda ślicznie, ale strasznie się trzeba namęczyć, żeby go zapiąć. Szkoda, że kulka z jednej strony nie jest płaska, bo to bardzo ułatwiłoby sprawę ;)
5 out of 5 stars
Bardzo ładnie wygląda w chrząstce!
4 out of 5 stars
nieco duży jak na moje ucho, ale i tak wygląda całkiem dobrze :) potrzeba jednak trochę cierpliwości i raczej drugiej osoby do włożenia kuleczki w kolczyk :)
1 out of 5 stars
Nie założyłam go ani razu, bo nie radzę sobie z włożeniem kulki na swoje miejsce. Potrzeba bardzo dużo cierpliwości. Oceniam na 1 gwiazdkę, ale być może inni mają już wprawę z takim zamykaniem i będą mieli więcej szczęścia.
5 out of 5 stars
Efektowne, delikatne i ślicznie wyglądające w uchu. Idealnie pasuje do daith, łatwo się zakłada a co najważniejsze samo się nie odczepi.
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